Cider Days 2022
2022 Schedule
Here are the events we have for your at New Salem Preserves and Heritage Cider
12:00 Basic Apple Tree Pruning w / Steve Weisman
1:00-2:00 How To Make Hard Cider Mustard w/ William Grote
2:15-2:45 Making Cider Syrup w/ Terry McCue
3:00-4:00 Tending Backyard Orchards w/ SteveMarglin & Steve Lanphaer
All day Sat: Elena Palladino, author of the newly released book, Lost Town of the Swift River Valley, will be doing book signings and discussing her book. https://www.instagram.com/quabbinhouse
SUNDAY, Nov 6th
1:00-2:15 Beginning and Advanced Hard Cider Making w/ April Woodard
2:15-3:15 Bring Your Own... Amateur Cider Makers tasting/evaluation;
fun and troubleshooting w/ April Woodard:
3:30-4:30 Lost Apples Of The Quabbin and Pomological Conservation w/ Matt Kaminsky .
All day Sun: Elena Palladino, author of the newly released book, Lost Town of the Swift River Valley, will be doing book signings and discussing her book.
Plus we will be pressing apples and making our famous sweet cider both days and visitors are welcome to watch and learn our process.